In this blog for "Science Solutions" I am going to talk about three parts in an animal cell and they are mitochondria, cell membrane, and the ribosomes. I picked these three cells parts, because I think they are the most interesting parts to study and they look very cool. I am going to start off with mitochondria. Mitochondria is an organelle found in most cells. They have a large amount in each cell they are in. 
            Mitochondria creates energy productions and that creates biochemical process. Mitochondria also breaks down food and that turns the food into energy for a person's body cells. Mitochondria plays an important role in apoptosis. 
           Well on today's "Science Solutions" blog I am going to talk about DNA structure. So to start off I DNA structure is nucleic acid structure that refers to the structure of nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA, and it's often divided into four different levels. DNA contains many things and it's in many things. Actually it's in all living things/organisms. 
           DNA contains genetic information, like for example your DNA are genes from your father's side of the family and your mother's side of the family and they mixed it together and that is what creates you. 
           About two weeks ago, my science class had a project using lots of sweets. We were supposed to make an edible cell. It could of been an animal or plant cell. My group and I chose to make an edible, animal cell. So when we chose that we also chose what person was going to bring this and what personwas going to bring that. This helped us be very responsible because the whole group gets the same grade, and whoever doesn't bring what they are supposed to then points in our grade goes down.
           We also have to learn what the cell parts do, because our science teacher asked us questions about them. And if you don't get that question right then points in your grade also go down. We go to make the cell out of chocolate cake and lots of candy. On all the cell parts we had to name them, and we used toothpicks with printed words on them. It looked very cool.
            So far science for me is awesome. My teacher is Mrs. Poole and I think she is great. My classmates and I have been learing about measuring regular solids and finding their length, width, and height. Plus we have been measuring lengths with a Metric System. We had to go to stations and there were papers saying what we had to measure. There was little to huge things. Another assignment we did was that we made origami frogs. We had to find out what was the farther frog out of a regular paper from or a card stock frog. 
            When I did my assignment, I figured out that a card stock frog can jump farther than a paper frog. Today we had a sub and we learned new words like increments. We also measured with beakers, flasks, and graduated cylinders. There was blue liquid in them! How awesome is that? When we were measuring, we also had to find the value of increments of the meausuring tools.
               Today I am going to talk about finding the volume of irregular objects. Well first you want to use a method called water displacement. The things you need to have are water, a graduated cylinder, and an irregular object. Once you have an irregular object you want to fill up your graduated cylinder. You can fill it up like to the middle of the graduated cylinder. You want to record how much water you put. 
               When you have that done you want to put the object in the graduated cylinder, and as you can see the water level rose. So now you want to subtract the water level when the object is in the graduated cylinder with the water level that it began with. Now you have your volume of an irregular object. 

              Today is "Science Solutions" Wednesday, and I am oging to talk about where I got my looks and stuff. Well, for sure i look like my mother because everyone tells me that and I think that too. Since my dad side of the family is really intelligent, I think I inherited all my brains from my dad. I wish i could say something about my grandparents but I never met them, excep my dad's mother. My personality is more like my mom and my brother Kenneth, because my mom and I get along really good and my brother and I are really into shoes.. We both like the same foods and have a good sence of style. 
              When it comes to sports, it is all about my dad. He is really into sports, especially soccer. He is the reason why I am into sports, because he always encouraged me. I am pretty good at dealing with computers, because my dad is a guy that are into electronics. I think I inherited all my genes and traits from bits of DNA from my mom and dad. 




             Did you know you have cells everywhere on and in your body? Well, you know that now. Cells are moving everyday unless they aren dead. Everything has cells, like us humans, plants, animals, and much more. A baby can have ten trillion cells! Could you believe that?! When I first heard about this, I was shocked with my jaw open and down. But the main reason for this blog on "Science Solutions" is that how do you know if your cells are working if you can't feel cellular activity.
             Well I know this sounds quite tricky, but whenever you move then your cells move. When you about to do something, something in your body tells your brain okay your about to move in three seconds. Then your cells move and your body moves with your cells. Well this is all I know for now, I can't wait to know more in Science class!
            First quarters activities were fun so I have to say that all of them were my favorites. Espeacially the "Golly Golly Gum", "Frog Legs", and "It's Alive?!?!". Well frist of all "Golly Golly Gum" was about weighing chewed up gum as it combined with our saliva. It was fun chewing gum and weighing it in a triple beam balance. 
            The hypothesis I made was that I thought that the gum was going to get heavier since the saliva is going add weight to the gum but it didn't. The gum's weight got lighter each minute we chewed. What I learned on this activity is that when you are taking all the air from gum, it is going to get lighter.