So lets say that I'm getting prepared for surgery, and I think about all the appreciation for all the surgeons and what the do. I think back about when I dissected a frog, and all the hard work from that. If dissecting a frog was a hard work, I bet being a surgeon and giving people surgery is even harder. But what if surgeons never had any practice like classes about how to do surgery. That would probably put the person that's having the surgery in real bad harm. 
                 I would like to have a surgeon with lots of skills and knowledge about surgery. I want them to know the proper way to use the utensils. Like when I dissected a frog, I didn't know the proper way to use the scissors, and that was a struggle during the whole dissection
              Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue? Well I do all the time, but I think I know why it is blue. After a great lesson in science class about color and reflection, I think the sky is blue because of the ocean. The world has a huge amount of water, and since the water is a pretty dark blue and the reflects all the blue light waves, and absorbs
              So this week in science class, my group and I were given an animal to research on. The animal we got was an Asiatic Elephant. Each of us got a separate piece of paper that was different. The paper I got was that I had to find facts about the elephants adaptations.
              As we wrote the facts on our papers, we had to transfer them to a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet had columns for the REF number, my group and my initials, a link of where we found the facts. 
              When it comes to the greatest scientific discovery in history, I automatically think of Charles Darwin. After learning lots of great facts and interesting things that he did, I think he is the most achieved scientist. 
               If you didn't know, Charles Darwin discovered lots of exotic and unfamiliar animals that were formed by his theory of evolution; when he was studying finches which are small birds, he discovered that although those birds were from the same species, their had a difference in there characteristics. 
           The caterpillar is a twig mimic, varying in color between green and brown. On a historical note, it was one of the first animals to be identified as being camouflaged with counter shading to make it appear flat (shading being the main visual cue that makes things appear solid) in 1887.
            It goes into the soil late in the season, where it pupates in order to spend the winter. The imagines emerge from the pupae between late May and August, the males slightly before the females (this is common and expected from sexual selection). They emerge late in the day and dry their wings before flying that night.
            The males fly every night of their lives in search of females, whereas the females only fly on the first night. Thereafter, the females release pheromones to attract males. Since the pheromone is carried by the wind, males tend to travel up the concentration gradient, i.e., toward the source. During flight, they are subject to predation by bats. The males guard the female from other males until she lays the eggs. The female lays about 2,000 pale-green ovoid eggs about 1 mm in length into crevices in bark with her ovipositor.
               The main thing my science class and I use to study vocabulary words is a website called Quizlet. In my opinion, I think it is one of the best ways to study vocabulary words. 
                If you don't know what Quizlet is, it's a free website that lets you create your own flash cards that you can study off of. You type the vocabulary words and its definitions. You can also share them with your fellow classmates and they can study off of them to. Another thing that I like about Quizlet, is that it has other ways to study your vocabulary words. Such as playing games, taking tests
               When you have overpopulation and limited resources, it creates competition. How? That is one question, another is, How can that competition lead to evolution? These are really good questions, about a simple concept. What is competition? Is our main question.
               Competition is when you have to fight to find your own resources, for your family. So if we have a city with a huge population, and barely any resources for the people of the city, then the people have to start having to find ways to find enough food for themselves and their families. 
               After reading the articles, "The Physics of Santa Claus" and the rebuttal articles I realized that the author has many reasonable claims. One reason is that if Santa Claus was an actual human being, then he wouldn't been alive right now. For example, children believe that Santa Claus can deliver presents and coal to every child in the world. Do you that that's possible? I don't think one man can deliver presents and coal to every child on Earth in one day. 
               Eventually, in all stories about Santa Claus, he is never skinny. So how can someone, that's pretty fat, fit in a chimney hole in and out of one? He'd probably get more fatter after eating all the cookies and milk that was left for him to enjoy. Another thing is that how can Santa ride a sleigh that is flown by some reindeer? I don't think that eight reindeer can fly a sleigh with a fat person sitting in it. Plus a reindeer with a red, shiny nose? Um, I don't think that is even possible!
            Mitosis is a type of cell division that ends up with two daughter cells. This is how eukaryote cells reproduce themselves. The thing that eukaryote cells do is that when there are lots of food, they start to splits thereselves so the food can be gone faster. The only bad things is that it's hard for eukaryote cells to split into multiple cells.
             When they split their cells, each copy has the exact same DNA like the original. That's the reason why they havelots of DNA molecules. 
            The similarity of bacteria, plant, and animal cells are that are the smallest unit that can carry out all functions for life. They also have the following: DNA, plasma membranes, ribosomes, and cytoplasms. Plant cells have cell walls made out of cellulose. 
            The figure of a plant cell is a rectangular look. They contain chloroplasts and they manufacture there own food. Plant cells have large central vacuoles.