One day in the col, misty day, there was this little girl named Sasha. The thing she always wanted to do was learn how to play the ukulele, but her parents didn't even care one bit. She tells her parents, "Why can't I have a ukulele? All of my friends have one!" And still not caring her parents just watched the football game in the living you. 
                A week before Easter, Sasha and her parents went to the mall. Sasha spotted an Easter bunny. The Easter bunny was there to take pictures with little kids. Sasha thought he was there to listen to little kids and what they want for Easter, like Christmas. So Sasha ran to the waiting line, cutting everyone, and sat on the Easter bunny's lap. She said, "Can you get me a ukulele for Easter?" Everyone laughed and she felt so embarrassed. She thought everyone thought it was a joke. But it wasn't to Sasha. So Sasha ran to her parents crying after what happened. Her parents briefly ask her, "What happened Sasha?" She replies, "I told the Easter bunny that I wanted a ukulele for Easter."

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